Paws Press Magazine — Fall 2023
As I write this update, we are coming to the end of a busy and eventful summer at ARF. More than 500 animals were adopted between Memorial Day and Labor Day. That’s 500 pets who are now living healthier and happier lives, and 500 families experiencing the love and joy that comes from having a…
Paws Press Magazine — Summer 2023
Has it really been half a year since I joined ARF as CEO? These six months have flown by — as time will, it’s said, when you’re having fun. More than fun, these months have been among the most rewarding of my life. I bet every one of ARF’s devoted volunteers, supporters, friends, and staff,…
Paws Press Magazine — Winter 2022
Here at ARF, we’re surrounded by superheroes every day — from the Veterans we serve, to our Pet Hug Pack® therapy animals, to our incredible volunteers and staff, all the way to the newly-adopted pet who helps a grieving family heal.
Paws Press Magazine — Summer 2022
Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” It’s almost as if the quote was written with ARF, and all its accomplishments of the past 31 years, in mind.
Paws Press — Winter 2021
Enhancing the human-animal bond has always been an important piece to ARF’s mission: People Rescuing Animals … Animals Rescuing People®. The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) recently…
Paws Press — Fall 2021
When California reopened on June 15, our team was thrilled to welcome the public back to our Walnut Creek headquarters. There are few things better than hearing children laugh at kittens’ antics or witnessing the joy…