Leaping Forward to Advance the Human-Animal Bond

Valentine’s Day this year was extra special. Decked out in new purple signs and banners, the Joybound campus was buzzing with excitement. After 32 years of serving our community as the Animal Rescue Foundation, ARF became Joybound People & Pets.
A midday ceremony in our training pavilion featured remarks by Joybound CEO Susan Lee Vick and Board President Greg McCoy, a proclamation by Walnut Creek Mayor Loella Haskew, and State Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan’s presentation of a resolution to commemorate the name change. The assembly member also shared her personal, heartfelt commitment to addressing the mental health crisis by advancing the human-animal bond – what Joybound is all about.
Our new name – Joybound People & Pets — celebrates our long-standing commitment to forming and supporting strong human-animal bonds and bringing greater health and happiness to dogs, cats, their human families, and the community as a whole.
Several elected and community leaders joined the celebration, but the true VIPs were our shelter guests – dogs Magic, Snuggle, Giggle, Lilac, and Topaz, and cats Sky and Bergamot – who concluded the event with a walk down the “purple carpet.” The celebration continued on Saturday, February 17, as Joybound welcomed nine shelter partners and the public for the Unleash the LOVE Adopt-a-thon. Undeterred by rain, more than 800 people showed up to soak in that special joy that only dogs and cats can make us feel while enjoying music, food, and activities for the whole family. In total, 60 pets found new loving families. The adopt-a-thon was so much fun that it will become an annual event. We’ll see you there!